Thursday, February 11, 2010

Berber manuscripts in Arabic script online

A major collection of early Tashelhiyt manuscripts from the 16th century onwards has gone online: Manuscrits arabes et berbères du Fonds Roux. It includes a copy of al-Hilali's Berber-Arabic lexicon. The Lmuhub Ulaḥbib library of Bejaia has also put a number of works online, including an 18th/19th century manuscript on theology in Kabyle: العقيدة السنوسية. Both collections are also of interest for their many Arabic books, but the Berber ones are particularly significant due to the serious paucity of materials for the study of precolonial Berber writing traditions.


  1. wow - that is really interesting... do you know if anyone has worked on the Sanussi theology manuscript? I would be really interested in that (just taking a look now to see what I can decipher from it...). If you are around these days and not too swamped with your dissertation, lets try meeting up, as I am around London as well.
    ps I may be going to Libya sometime in the next few months - I wonder if I'd find any other ajami writings on the sanusi in a random library somewhere...
