Sunday, April 27, 2014

Speaking in Oran

It's a bit last minute, but I'm glad to announce that I will be giving two talks in Oran over the next few days: It would be a pleasure to see some readers of this blog there.


David Marjanović said...

How did the talks go? :-)

Lameen Souag الأمين سواق said...

Pretty well, thanks! The first one was a bit too wide-ranging for the largely non-linguist audience, I think, but the second one got a lot of interest. My one regret is that I gave the talks in French rather than Arabic – I had understood that the researchers would be largely Francophone, but as it turned out most of the younger ones had been trained in Arabic. I also got a good bit of fieldwork done afterwards – some gruesome Brothers Grimm-style Korandjé folk tales...